I am very happy to be among you for my second pastoral visit. It is a joy to meet you and gather in the name of the Lord.
I am especially happy today because in this celebration many children will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit through the sacrament of confirmation. I cordially greet you who will soon receive this special gift. With this sacrament what began on the day of your baptism is brought to completion: the introduction to the mysteries of your Christian faith. Now on, the Church expects from you a stronger commitment, a greater generosity in the service towards other children and the parish community.
Together with you I greet your parents, your relatives and friends. Greetings to the sponsors who introduce you to the Bishop. Furthermore, I would like to thank the catechists who have accompanied you in your Christian formation in recent years.
The word of God that we have just heard helps us greatly understand the mysteries we are celebrating. The Gospel tells us very moving and intimate words of Jesus to his disciples shortly before the paschal mystery. Jesus reveals to his disciples that love is the fundamental commandment of the Christian life. Jesus taught us the divine love and we are called to remain in his love to bear fruits that do not pass away but remains forever.
Jesus uses very strong words to describe his relationship with his disciples: I do not call you servants but friends. I have told you everything I heard from my Father. You didn't choose me, but I chose you. The letter of Saint John even goes so far as to describe God simply as love: God is love. He demonstrated this love for us by sending his Son, Jesus, among us.
God's love then spreads. It doesn’t remain closed in itself. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, God's love reaches the ends of the world and breaks down all barriers. In the first reading, in fact, we heard that while Saint Peter was addressing pagan people, from different parts of the world, who did not belong to the ancient Jewish people, he saw the Holy Spirit descend upon them. The Holy Spirit knows no cultural or national barriers. If we have a willing heart, the Holy Spirit enters within us and totally renews our life.
Dear children, now you too will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus also calls you friends. Jesus is the best friend in your life. Together with him you will do great things. With the gift of the Holy Spirit, you too will be able to remain in his love and bear good fruits that will remain forever. In life everything passes and is temporary, but love is forever, love is eternal: God is love.
Today, to you too, Jesus says the same words: you did not choose me but I chose you. Dearest children, never forget these words of Jesus. You are loved, you were chosen by Jesus to be his friends and bring his love to the world. You are not in the world by chance, you are not numbers in a series; each of you is wanted and loved; God calls you by name. Each of you is unique and unrepeatable. Each of you has a mission to fulfill in your life and now with the gift of the Holy Spirit you will be able to discover what your mission is.
I am sure that some of you will be called to become priests and serve the people of God. Others among you will be called to become friars and nuns, bringing the love of God to all, like Saint Francis of Assisi or Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Others among you will become great missionaries and will bring the Gospel where Jesus is not yet known, like Saint Francis Xavier or Saint Daniel Comboni. And many of you will be called to form a family. This too is such a beautiful vocation. We need holy families.
Dear children, I don't know what your personal mission will be; God knows. We are all in the hands of God. But with the gift of the Holy Spirit, you will discover it yourself. Don't be afraid to follow Jesus and serve the Gospel. Never waste God's gifts, but like talents entrusted to you, let them bear fruit for the Kingdom of God.
Finally, each of you today have received a tau, the cross of Saint Francis of Assisi. It was prepared for you by Poor Clare Sisters in a monastery in Italy, who pray for you. Never forget, there is always someone praying for you. You will never be alone; also, don’t forget to pray for them.
I now invoke the gift of the Holy Spirit upon all of you. Open your hearts to this great gift. May Mary Mother of God help you to welcome the gift of the Holy Spirit and keep you always close to Jesus. May Saint Arethas and his fellow martyrs support you in bearing witness to the good life of the Gospel.