Peace and love,
Here we are on the second week of Advent. Christmas is coming and we must intensify our preparation.
The Church presents us with the figure of John the Baptist whose role was precisely to prepare the way for Jesus. What can we do to prepare for Christmas in the best way? John called people to the baptism of repentance and thus asked the people to prepare the way of the Lord.
Last week, I invited you to pray a little more, read the Gospel, and prepare the nativity scene in your homes.
Today, I invite you to approach the sacrament of reconciliation, to confession. Make a sincere effort to go to confession before Christmas.
If you can, I also invite you to come to the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Abu Dhabi to make the pilgrimage to the Holy Door and the shrine of Saint Arethas and companions and receive the plenary indulgence. In this way, you will prepare your heart to welcome Jesus, who will be born again in our hearts.
And don't forget to express every day: Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus, come!