The Interfaith & Ecumenical Dialogue Office (IFEDO) serves as a resource to the Apostolic Vicar, the other Vicariate’s Offices and Parishes, to promote Human Fraternity in view of Interfaith and Ecumenical dialogue.
The Interfaith and Ecumenical movement, that has been growing in the heart of the Church for the past one hundred years, found its clear voice in the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council, particularly in the Decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio and the Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, Nostra Aetate.
The path of the Church in these years has been characterized by multiple dimensions of dialogue: Paul VI developed a dialogue toward the world, John Paul II more toward the goal of peace, Benedict XVI defined well the scope of charity in truth, and ultimately Pope Francis inaugurated the contemporary challenge of a dialogue within friendship.
For the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia that lives the special condition of being a “Church of migrants” in Muslim majority countries, it is even more important to develop and work in the Interfaith and Ecumenical dialogue for the sake of all the faithful.
For the IFEDO, the document on Human Fraternity for world peace and living together becomes a decisive feature to be deepened and embodied in everyday pastoral work. In this regard, a special collaboration is in place with the Abrahamic Family House.
The IFEDO aims to:
Help the Apostolic Vicar to deal with Ecumenical and Interfaith dialogue in the Vicariate.
Nourish friendship relations with the other religions (especially Muslims) and the other Christian denominations present in the Vicariate.
Increase awareness of the importance of Interfaith and Ecumenical dialogue in the Vicariate by doing formation.
Promote and facilitate the formation of priests, nuns, catechists, faithful in the Catholic understanding of Interfaith and Ecumenical dialogue.
Respond to the needs of the Vicariate’s parishes and schools in the matter of dialogue.
e-mail: [email protected]
Social Media:
Facebook: Interfaith & Ecumenical Dialogue Office IFEDO-AVOSA
Instagram: ifedo_avosa